No aging journey is perfect – but this is how you learn!

I recently had an appointment with my beauty therapist, where I usually have my massage (she is a fantastic masseuse) and waxing done. But this time I decided I want her to cleanse my face too.

I do it time after time, as she can see my skin with a professional eye. I also have some undeskin whites called millia, which I wanted to have cleared.

The big surprise was when she asked me: what do you do with your skin!? It’s getting better and better!

I am 51 at the moment and I only use our very own Atlantis Skincare, plus some natural remedies. Nothing else!


So the question still remains: how can I get better and better skin?

10 years ago when I was 40 years old, I was very fat, tired and really felt like an old person. I was thinking “I am aging now.It started and there is no way back.”

Life had a different plan for me.

My youngest son Harijs really really wanted to play tennis. We went to the tennis center, booked some lessons and so it started. I was sitting and watching the ball flying from side to side and I couldn’t stop. It was mesmerising.

Week after week, watching my son learn tennis, I also noticed how so many players over 50 were enjoying the game. Something started to move inside me. A combination of balls flying from side to side with the sound of the rackets catching the balls, with the positivity and energy of these players together became a thought!


I wanted to learn to play tennis!

I joined a beginners’ group, but as someone who never ever played, I felt like a total loser on top of my weight and bad physical shape. It gave me even more encouragement, so I started tennis lessons.

How can I tell you how much I enjoy playing tennis? There are no words.

This was also the start of my pro aging journey. Over the years, I added or changed so many more things. Bit by bit my health, body and skin just started to look and feel younger and younger and younger….


There is no straight path

One very important part about this journey is that I was still slipping back.

We had several breaks from playing tennis, stopping exercise classes, going from super healthy food back to the old style of eating and so on.


Why do I always return to the healthy lifestyle and changes?


The way my body and I feel when I am dropping an active, healthy lifestyle is not pleasant. Usually after 2-3 weeks of inactive life, I start having hot flushes, my hip starts to ache as I am sitting behind the screen for long hours and I am tired most of the time.

I love my body when it is full of energy so much now. I love being active, flexible and pain free and most importantly I feel like when I was 20 years old. This is the reason why I always return to my new lifestyle.

The results can be seen on my face: glowing, healthy skin, with some wrinkles still. But it is all part of the journey and I accept and love them as they are!

If you slip away from your journey, do not allow it to put you off. Simply take a step back and always return to your new path!

I am with you on this journey and if you want to talk about it, simply get in touch via email.


Love you,



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